Julia Paillin-Dean

Community HeartBeat Trust

5 hrs a Week since Aug 2021

This charity helps thousands of communities in the UK, place, maintain and train all things defib!

Project background

I was approached by a trustee of the charity who had been following the social media accounts of my own businesses and was interested in how I'd achieved successes there. At that point the charity didn't have anybody responsible for their social media, the IT manager was struggling to fit it in alongside his actual role within the charity as a result the posting was irregular with little consistency in messages or use of branding.

1. The primary task was to identify key areas for improvement and present them to the head office team with solutions that could be achieved and maintained working within the five hours allocated per week.

2. Using the identified areas to create a regular and consistent online presence for the charity, to raise awareness of the organisation and the fact that it is actually a charity - not a trust as the name suggests and to gain more followers.

3. Develop a presence on LinkedIn - a valuable resource for networking.


Creative process

The challenge was to create beautiful Instagram worthy content from stock images, images from trainers and installers phones who aren't necessarily tech savvy. All content had to be produced with no additional budget and no paid advertising to gain followers.

Fortunately Canva™ (the package I use predominantly) has thousands of amazing stock images which I combined with the charity's images to create a variety of campaigns:

  • Myth or Fact awareness about defibs

  • Christmas lead up

  • Nottinghamshire Fire Service Campaign

  • Various videos including the Defib drone success story, CPR in Space, eBay shop, In memory defib, valentines day, Welsh Defibuary and many more.


Final results

I've produced multiple series of posts for this charity which are resized for each channel

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Instagram

  • Instagram Stories

  • Twitter

The charity aren't focussed on Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) for social media impact so there are currently no stats to review. However pages are growing organically which is fantastic.